
Join the PAS

Welcome to the Private Assassin Society. If you would like to join us, first read these rules:

You must play as at least two people
You must be active
Your picture must be anime
Try to keep the genders balanced, if there are more girls than boys then join as a boy, or the other way around

Here is the form:
Paragraph of everything you want me to know about your character:
Reason of joining the PAS:

Available Ranks:

Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Name: Lilya
    Age: 21
    Paragraph of everything you want me to know about your character: She has long black hair and dark hazel eyes that look more brown than hazel. She is kind, but she does have her moments. She is smart,fast, and she likes to show off. She favors snakes and that's why she has a pet viper named Spyre. She wears a silver bracelet with a snake inscription on it. She carries around a knife which was specially made for her.
    Family/Crush: She has no family or crush
    Reason of joining the PAS: She joined because she was abondaned by her family, so she joined to make a better life for herself.


    Picutre- My computer is ebing slow so right now I can't get one -_-
